
hey Gramps...

10 Things I want to do when I become a grandpa.

I was thinking about this the other day. I used to think I wanted to die around the age of 40 just because it's so much more fun to die young .. that way you can actually die doing something spectacular as opposed to die walking around the house with a walker ... but now I think it actually might be worth the effort to become a grandpa.

So I made a list of things I wanna do when I become a grandpa

1 Walk around without my dentures

2 Act def for an entire day starting from when I wake up

3 Wear in a Speedo on the beach

4 Grow the biggest pot belly ever seen by mankind

5 Go shirtless for a whole month

6 Turn off my hearing aid on my wife/kids/grandkids

7 Get one of those mobile scooter things and run people off the road

8 Act like I have dementia and forget the grandkids names

9 Grow a cave man beard all the way to my chest

10 Die

Yeah, I'd be pretty much the best grandpa ever... Come to think of it... I could start on some of these things right now!


Anonymous said...

Who wrote that one? You guys are in a bit of a slump right now.

Anonymous said...

This was incredibly insensitive and disrespectful ... come on guys. A bit funny, but what's the point anymore?

Anonymous said...

A rut is just a grave that's open on both ends and I have to agree with Chris - you're in one.

Anonymous said...

it's open on both ends so you can put more bodies (or blogs) in it...

(and i know this comment is pretty lame, but hey, at least it matches the rest of the site! :P :) )

Anonymous said...

geez everyone is so negative, I am not saying this post was particularly funny but why all the criticism!?!.

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