
My holiday secret

One of the nice things about having so many authors on RFCN is that I can post without everyone knowing it was me. So, I'm going to post my holiday secret.

Every holiday, I get stuck with the same chore: sweeping the kitchen floor. I'm convinced no one actually looks at the floor when they come over for dinner. But we've all been there; if the parents say they notice it, they notice it. My parents notice if I failed to use the dustpan and tried the old "spread it across the floor" or "sweet it under a corner" trick. They even discovered my latest one: "put it under the mat in the living room". I still don't get how they figured out I've been dumping the sweepings under a mat three rooms away. As a kid, I felt a patriotic duty to outsmart my parents. I did.

And they wonder why I never take any of mom's soup.


FCN said...

Wow, that's low. Soup.

Actually, I always had to mop the floor before company, so you must be lucky. But now I have relegated the task to my younger brother - so I'm the one who's lucky.

Really Funny Class Notes said...

Haha. Dude that's just wrong...

Anonymous said...

I guess it's rather pointless to ask who the author is... ;-)

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