
The 8 stages of manhood

First stage: Dada? What you doing to your face?

Second stage: Dad? Can I shave too?

Third stage: I shave everyday. Sometimes I need to shave twice a day. In fact, I think I need to shave right now.

Fourth stage: I think I can get away with another day...

Fifth stage: Mom, I'm growing a beard.

Sixth stage: I shave at 6:13 a.m. every morning right before I go to work. This way I won't need to shave until I'm in bed at 8:56 p.m. and I can hold off until 6:13 the next day.

Seventh stage: I start everyday with a clean face and end the day with a beard. As long as I dont' see the same people twice in one day, no one ever knows.

Eigth state: My kid wants to shave, how do I tell him it's not worth it?


FCN said...

Precisely so. :-)

Anonymous said...

much more to manhood than that

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