
To heck and back

So, Rich and I went off to Gustine (?) to umpire a high school baseball game. If you haven't heard of Gustine before, its pretty easy to locate on the map; its right next to nowhere and heck. It was a decently long ride up there, and a very interesting game (a story for another post) but we did get there. I wish I could say that much for our trip back. Maybe I should have had a clue by the fact that we got lost going TO the game, but regardless, the story goes a little something like this:

::45 minutes into a deep conversation::

Me: Rich!

Rich: Bob, just let me finish talking, I am almost done.

Me: Rich!!

Rich: Bob, I really want to say this!


Rich: Uh, I was going to say on it until it ended, was I supposed to turn?

Me: You should have turned 35 minutes ago!

We crossed under highway 5 before I discovered out position on the map.

How can someone stay on a road he's never seen, with no plan at all, for 35 minutes farther then he was supposed to, and somehow only add about 5 minutes to the trip?

"How did you beat us? -Kuzco Well by all means, it doesn't make sense on the map"- Kronk

1 comment:

Really Funny Class Notes said...

Oh wow. Somehow I'm not surprised that you made it in that kind of time with Rich drving.

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