
Illegal Immigration: Before and After

People often ask me: "Has debating illegal immigration policy changed your perspective". Yes, but its very hard to describe. I have decided to illustrate it.

Before debating illegal immigration

... was a large group of people, probably ralying against Hilary Clinton


... was an employee getting hired

and this...

...was the sepreation of freedom and poverty

After debating Illegal immigration

1 in 7 people in this picture are illegal immigrants


... is an Illegal Alien getting hired by an unscrupulous employer

and this...

Probably doesn't exsist... Congress defunded the wall.

I wanted to put this to the test. So I got one of those photos. Yes, one of these

Before? I saw darth Vador. Now? I see 4 border patrol sleeping and playing cards in the middle and 3 large swams of illegal aliens running accross the border, while two groups of illegal aliens are using fake I.D.'s to enter the country. The little tiny dot on the bottom right, is an illegal claiming asylum to enter the country illegal. And, the big awkward looking black spot in the middle is Travis' face.

Ignorance is bliss, and I want my ignorance back! What am I supposed to do now? For a year I read qualified people saying Illegal Immigrants walk across our borders and fill our publich schools. They stand in line for welfare and every kid they have along the way is an American citizen thanks to our 14th amendment.

Then one day it hit me. Maybe this means I might actually run into an illegal immigrant someday. A couple months later and having worked at a green house, all I have to say is, I want my ignorance back.

P.S. I'm off to Debate Nationals in Alabama in two days, wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey empires have risen and died since the last post. What happened? I need something to keep me away from assignments you know.

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