
That's gotta be a first time

So, the past few days I've had a severe cold. This meant that I had so much mucus coming out my nose that I had a hard time breathing. But just in case that wasn't enough "TMI", I wanted to share with all of you what happened to me this morning. In the process of trying to pick my nose, I became disoriented... basically my depth perception was off... even though no one can see the inside of their nose anyways. So, I cut the inside of my nose with my nail, which resulted in severe bleeding. I thought this was post worthy... I hope you are all freaked out.

If that didnt' freak you out.... I heard a christmas song 10 more times today...

Thanks for reading RFCN and as always remember


Anonymous said...

poor kitty

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. That was hilarious. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough with us to share this personal information with us. Awsome post.

Anonymous said...

next time just post the sign : )

Anonymous said...

Waaaaaay tmi. The sign was mildly humorous.

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