
A few tips for reading FCN

Well, hopefully everyone is keeping up with our little sister site http://funnyclassnotes.blogspot.com/. And for those of you who are, we have some tips to share with you that help us read through there sometimes very long, mostly late punch lined but, potentially funny and worth the reading, FCN posts.

Never look ahead to see how long it is

If you are reading through it and it starts to get boring, the worst thing you can do is scroll ahead and see you have 3 paragraphs left to read. Reading one line at a time helps you get through the script and hopefully, will be worth it if there is indeed, a punchline... or maybe just a har har story.

Don't expect a punchline

Read FCN posts just expecting to be mildly entertained. If something is actually pretty funny, it will surprise you and you will actually laugh.


Always laugh out loud to yourself at anything that you thimk shoulda been funny, is funny, or isn't much of anything. Laughing out loud will help you laugh more at punchlines that come in the post. LOL also helps relieve some of the tension and expectations you have when reading a humor blog. It's just not right to expect a humor blog to be funny on EVERY post. ... ESPecially one that posts everyday

Read FCN before RFCN

Be sure to start with FCN, that way you are not disappointed or have too high standards for them.

Hope this helps ya all...

... uhh, please post, don't come back to haunt us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what happened to your "absolute honesty" policy? There were not ten tips. Though I have a feeling you were expecting this comment. That would be why you said "don't come back to haunt us" right?

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