
Top ten lame ways to get a date

You know what they say, no better way to start off a relationship than to start it off lame. Here's a couple creative ideas for asking a girl out. I'm sure they all could work... or something.

1.Follow the girl out to her car… or just find her in her car sometime... then... strategically place yourself near a road she will be driving by. It is preferable that this be a parking lot or a slower road. As soon as she starts to get close, run out looking the other way and get hit by the car. Maybe try bouncing off the car... don't get run over.

2.If she is in your class, convince her you think you are going to fail and that she is obviously the smartest person in the class. People can never see past their ego. You had better get an A in the class however after she helps you.

3. Find out which is her car. After you are sure which car it is, put a fake “I hit you” on it. Leave the note with your number and don’t say where you hit her car. Say sorry a lot though… after she calls you can explain it was such a small scratch that you can’t see it.

4. Steal her purse and then give it back to her like you found it. Don’t look inside. Never look inside. If she starts to recognize you, run.

5. Have a buddy pretend to attempt to mug a girl. Literally as soon as he says “give me your…”, jump on him and beat him up. Maybe just jump on him when he is near the girl, then you can convince the girl she didn’t see him and convince her that you saved her money and life. You definitely want to make sure another hero wannabe doesn’t see this and really beat your friend up… unless you didn’t like this friend, then it might be kind of funny…

6. Have a prepared picture of her that she doesn’t know about and photo shop you into the picture. Run up to her and tell her she looks just like your sister. Show her the picture.

7. Say you are an RFCN author, because you know the girls will be all over you. Also you can add that you are Robert, or that you know Robert, and then they'll be totally out of it, crazy in love with you.

8. Give her the answers to the test instead of her helping you. But say you'll only do it if she's goes on a date with you. If you picked a desperate student, you'll force her to go out with you. She's bound to have high moral standards if she's cheating also.

9. Try a good old fashion pick up line. "Hey baby, I noticed that you noticed me. So I just wanna put a notice out, that I noticed you

10. Get the girl drunk and then ask her out... cheap. She probably can't even see what color your hair is. This may not be that funny, but we'd all agree, it's just lame.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Wow, rock on guys. That was genuinely funny.

Austin said...

Haha, good job. I don't know what Chris will say... but I give a thumbs up =]

Unknown said...


You guys should sell T'shirts that say "I know Robert"

Anonymous said...

That was funny!

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