
A list of things I'd do if Hillary became President

1. Take down my vote for Hillary yard sign and bumper sticker (apparently people didn't get the sarcasm and actually voted for her)

2. Start a rally called Americans for First Ladies not First men

3. Quit my job and go on welfare (I'll make more money than my current job)

4. Sell my stock in Kaiser

5. Heck, sell all of my stocks

6. Start petition signups to impeach Hillary immediately. Why? No clue. Maybe we could put something in it about the 25 amendment.

7. Forget RFCN and start LAH blog (Laugh at Hillary)

8. Move to Cuba, where at least I know I can see a doctor

9. Get a license plate cover that says "Hillary... proof not every woman is attractive or desirable"

10. Prepare for the tribulation... the Antichrist?

Sheesh, my hands shake just thinking about it. Where's Ron Paul? Come give me a hug little buddy...


Anonymous said...

Haha! =D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol Nice :-D

Go Ron Paul!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon guys! Post again, please? It's been a week and I am growing anemic from lack of humor nutrition...

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