
We aren't dead... imagine that

Sup people.

Instead of an eloborate intro let us just say this: we decided not to die.

Here's a little message from each of the RFCN contributors.

"We are back, people! We are back and are ready for a new season of laughter and random posts that will have you dying with laughter......although we really don't want you to die of laughter. We might have a lawsuit on our hands if that happened. So, if any of you do die, sue FCN instead, because they ARE the reason we started our blog. So, prepare yourself! RFCN is going to deliver top-notch posts that will have you clamoring for more. And if not clamoring, then maybe just a deep sense of satisfaction that you've just enjoyed the time you wasted" - Zech

"Well, I guess I should start by saying "we are not dead." I think you know what I mean. The severe lack of postage in the last month or two could not have gone unnoticed. Let me be the second to tell you, this will not happen again. We are back. In solidarity with the Writers Guild we took a break, but since they are back, we are back! I think now would be a good time to explain what I mean be "we." I do not mean "we" in the usual sense of the word, because I do not include myself in the context. I was never here in the first place, so I could never have left. I am just getting started. Ladies and gentlemen.... and FCN, we are back and better then ever." - Chris "

yeah... btw now might be a good time to tell you that Chris is now a contributor to RFCN. We were going to tell you but I guess we never got around to it. But never-the-less now, you know and boy are we coming back strong because our single biggest critique is now on our side. muahhahahahaha. I know we talked about quitting quite a bit over the last couple months, but after we talked about it we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it. I mean, what would the world be like without RFCN? I took a look around and I saw 2 small children across the street throwing rocks at the building across the road and I thought... we have to stay, for them, we have to stay. I looked at all our readers who didn't have to read FCN because they found something better, something real... and I thought for them, we have to stay, for them, we have to stay." - Richard

"5 bucks says all my fellow authors abandon me again and I'll be the only one posting." -Robert

"What the heck Robert? I'll totally take that bet! I could use the money." - Chris

"Dude... Chris... don't take the bet... you'll lose and I don't want to take your money. And I don't have five bucks." - Robert

"Dang it. I'm blogging with poor people. Wasn't this supposed to be good for my reputation?" - Chris

"That's just what we told you Chris. Hey, let's bet your job. If you win, I get your job. If I win, I get five bucks and your job." -Robert

"Robert, I already took your bet, you can't back out now. So stop arguing with me." - Chris

"Go to heck Chris! I hate you... I hereby kick you off of RFCN." -Robert

"Dude, you can't kick me off, we haven't even started yet! Besides, I'm way funnier then you anyway!" - Chris

"Are not!" - Robert

"Whatever Robert, just, whatever." - Chris

"So yeah. We are back. Be prepared FCN. Who knows what you need to be prepared for, but make sure you are prepared." -jon

Katie and Trevor were both unavailible for comments.

[a few days later...]

.... No wait! Could it be? Yes it is! Don't cry yet! You can stop your plans of protest. Put away your Emo Washing Powder and keep the smiles on your face. Katie has not fallen off the face of the earth -- nor has she abandoned RFCN. She has returned to read this post and say, "you guys are so lucky you have me -- you really need help."


Anonymous said...

Nice to know you all (plus Chris) aren't dead. :-P

But whatever happened to Katie? And Trevor? Are they now off the team? ::sad look::

Anonymous said...

you know, i've noticed that red-heads tend to make everything more awesome. Better get KT back.=P

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you do need Katie. "Critique" in the sense you used it should be "critic."

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