
Poker: Just One More Hand

If any of you have facebook, you'd know about the applications and different game options. One of the game options is of course, Poker! Its really quite a blast because you can play against friends and all that jazz. I don't play any video games on my own, so I found it to be a very enjoyable break from the usual routine. And by break, of course I mean add it on to my late night festivities because I never have time for a break. Poker on facebook works like this. They give you a few chips to start with and you try to earn more. You can earn a couple thousand chips for inviting people and even more when people accept the application on their facebook. Unfortunately I joined the application so late that the only people left to invite that hadn't already accepted it were three homeschool mothers. That just wasn't going to happen.

So I started poker with 1 hundred chips, and within 3 days, I had nearly 10,000. Day 4? 13,489 chips, all aquired in a few hours total. I quickly developed a working strategy. It went like this: when you have a top 4 hand, you go all out. This doesn't necessarily mean "all in" because you want to suck as many chips from the other players as possible. If they raise, you raise as much as you can. Now begins my demise. As I went on, I got a little more big headed. And by this I mean, I was ridiculously good and unstoppable. I joined a few high stake games and gain a lot more chips. This one game, day 6 of my poker experience, I decided I would join the game with 70% of my chips. I wasn't going to be "stupid", I was just going to wait until I had a great hand, slowly suck some of the high chip holders into the pot, and then force them to defend the chips.

I got the perfect hand; King and Jack, suited in hearts. First three cards were all hearts and all the cards were low enough to make a flush the highest possible hand. I went all in. So did this another player. Perfect right?

Ace and 3 suited in hearts...

The one card that could win was an Ace making it the highest possible hand. What are the odds?

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I didn't want to talk about it.

I didn't bet any money. I only played poker for 6 days, and it still ruined my life.

Poker sucks.

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