
News flash

We aren't too sure if some of our viewers get out to much. In fact, we aren't too sure some of them get out at all. So RFCN has started a random new alert to update you on the wonderful things happening around us. Be sure to read up and get a few laughs from reality.

In the news

Nicole Richie has apparently decided to find out what the hype is about jail for herself. Why didn't' she just go at the same time as Paris and they could have made a TV series about it! Oh well...

Did you ever wonder what astronauts really do with all their time up in space?
Maybe it is because they have seen so much that coming back to earth is just a disappointment. Are the women that much better looking in space?

Better start watching more copyrighted videos on you tube, because in a few months, google's going to start obeying the law. I thought they were the law... weird... my bad.

I know... I know... You drink battled water because it comes from mountain streams and gets hiked on horseback to the factory where it's shipped right to the store, right? Welcome to the age of enlightenment.

Barriod Bonds is about to make history again. 'nough said.

Well that's it for the new of late...

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