
Our problem

Yes, it seems some people like to leave unloving comments to RFCN’s. Maybe it’s just the people over at FCN’s or maybe, all ya all’s mamas didn’t teach you the old saying: “if ya ain’t got not’n good to say…” Regardless, they’ve just been “pushing us and pushing us and we just can’t take it”. RFCN’s has come up with a way to help you. Yes, call it negative encouragement but we did what FCN never had the guts to do with their little t-shirt campaigns. Yes, RFCN’s created their own RFCN assassin department. So next time you want to leave a nasty comment be sure to leave your name or a very accurate identification mark. (Addresses would be nice as well) We’ll be sure to leave a nice tribute to you on RFCN.

Or maybe we will just have to moderate our comments if ya’ll make us.


Anonymous said...

ur problem is that ur not funny!!!!!!!!
FCN is!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that your egos are so fragile they can't stand a little criticism.

Speak of the communists, and they appear in your web browser.

Anonymous said...

Your affection towards FCN does not necessitate rudeness towards the writers of RFCN. If you hate it so much, just stop commenting. It is not their egos, but your failure to encourage and build them up that needs to change.

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