

It seems our only expertise may be flirting with girls, so we continue with our advice on how to treat women in those unique everyday situations.

You may have never seen a hot signal light girl, but we are decently sure you've all been in situation where you wanted to flirt with a girl but chickened out worst than Kim Jong-il. We know all of us weren’t born with the confidence of a RFCN guy, so we thought we’d try to help out a little.

Here's our short list of ways to secretly flirt with a girl. Please use responsibly.

Random Compliments

Don’t just compliment them, be sure to pick the most random thing on earth and make a big deal about it. Anything from “you hold your fork with such poise” to “your starbucks looks a little more full then mine, must have been a guy working”. Girls will mostly just think you are an idiot. This is really handy for later on becuase if you bite the dust and marry the girl, you'll have real compliments left for those days when you forget your anniversary. ::Ahem:: sorry, thinking way to far ahead here, we have to keep in mind that Travis reads this blog from time to time.

Generalize your Statements

Try saying nice things about everyone that really only apply to her. For example, “you all have such beautiful hair”. We wouldn’t recommend using that one with only guys standing around her. A more clever approach is actually to generalize all girls not just other people around her. For example, “girls are doing such a nice job making their hair look nice these days”. She might find it strange but you should be on safe ground. “Hey stop looking at me like that, I said all girls, not just you. Don’t hit me, I really just meant every girl except you has nice hair.” Actually don’t say that last sentence, it might be a slapper. (Face, not knee slapper, Chris)

Add, “In a sister sort of way”

If you just used a nice compliment on a girl and she starts to give you the “no way sucker” look, quickly add, “in a sister sort of way” to the end of your sentence. “you are the sweetest girl I have ever meant and I would love to hang out with you more” “I mean in a sister sort of way”. Try to stay away from kissing comments if you use the sister technique. (unless you live in Alabama or something)

Talk for someone else

Just start with “so my buddy saw you the other day and he said” … “he said that you have the prettiest hair of all the girls he’s seen” After you start with a believable comment (that your "friend made"), get really specific so that she wonders if he’s saying it or if you are saying it. "he said he really likes the way your hair shines in the sun and makes that bright blonde look like its doing right now. ... I mean right then when he was looking at you" If she gets mad just say “yeah and I slapped him and told him never to hang out with me again if he looks at you like that”

Mumble and deny

This one takes some quick thinking, but you can almost mumble something. When she asks you what you said, make up something that sounds like it.
“You look really nice” “I saiiid this steak needs some spice” You can also try double meaning words, just change your tone of voice or add a clarity word the second time, “you look really hot” “and sweaty, do you need some water?”

We would like to state that RFCN's official position on this is that you should flirt like a man. But, if you do use our tips, best of luck to you.

RFCN is not responsible for any and all injuries sustained while attempting to be secretly flirtatious. While using our methods please do not reference RFCN or any of their posts. RFCN has the right to deniability and does not offer a guarantee or warranty of any kind. If you do happen to use our technique and some how end up marrying a rich heiress, please remember the kind authors at RFCN who are still living on 25 cent allowances.


Anonymous said...

LOL...does it work?

Anonymous said...

l think fcn is the best!

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