
Darkest Secret Contest

RFCN is having a "darkest secret contest". So if you think you have some first class dirt on yourself or anybody else, send it to reallyfunnyclassnotes@gmail.com. Just send your name, the name of the person you are telling us about, and why they wouldn't want anyone to know about it.

1 must be someone we know or might know
2 must be so bad you wouldn't even tell your mom

Extreme extra points for dirt given about FCN authors.

The winner will get his/her dirt posted on RFCN provided it meets some basic requirements.


Anonymous said...

But the FCN authors lead such clean lives! There is no way there will be any dirt!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a quality blog!

"Hey guys, i can't think of anything to post.. can you?"

"No." "No." "No." "Whatever." (That one is Jon)

"Well hey, then let's ask our audience to say something funny FOR us! Huh huh huh!"

"Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Whatever." (That one is Jon)

Anonymous said...

LOL (@ the comments)!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Anon, that was really good. Maybe you should write for RFCN? What's up with this contest? Seriously guys, what were you thinking?

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