
The following takes place from 10am to 11am on the day of the presidential primary

The following is dialogue that took place at 10 p.m. after a 10 hour day at MJC, and being very, very tired. Out of a class of 47 or so, Rich and I had A+’s that accounted for 2 of the only 5 A’s in the class. The teacher graded on a curve because of a very large amount of F's and D's. But we still managed to have the following argument.

Bob: I got the highest score on the test and now I have the highest score in the class.

Dick: Um, no you didn’t

Bob: Yes I did, I got 105 and you got 100.

Dick: But you only got 91 right on the test.

Bob: It doesn’t matter; the teacher said the extra credit would count as 10 pts on the test.

Dick: Yeah, but on the test, I did better.

Bob: Well if you want to get technical, the teacher graded on a curve and made your 96 100%.

Dick: But you got the same 4 points I did. And that doesn't work because I had the highest grade on the test so I got 100 correct no matter what. I couldn't have done better. You could have.

Bob: The extra credit was an open invitation to anyone, therefore you had the same opportunity and I scored better.

Dick: I was gone on that day, so I couldn't get the extra credit. But on the test I DID BETTER!

Bob: So! You choose to be gone. I purposely did the extra credit so I wouldn’t have to study as hard or read the constitution. Therefore, I’m smarter than you and I scored better.

Dick: You had plenty of time to read the constitution, that fact that you didn't just means that you're even more of a loser.

Bob: You keep trying to downgrade my stagetic studying. If I didn’t have 10 extra credit pts I would have studied more and STILL BEAT YOU!

Dick: But percentage wise, I did better. 100 out of 100 is a better percentage then 105 out of 110!

Bob: That’s only because of the CURVE! AND I STILL beat you! And the extra credit counts ON THE TEST.

Dick: Do you know what a curve is? The teacher took the top score and gave everyone the difference between that and 100%. So, I could not have done better, if I had 98 everyone would only have gotten 2 more points.

Bob: With or without the curve I still would have had 100%, therefore you didn’t help me!

Dick: Adding or taking 4 points to both of us has no effect on my percentage argument. That would have been 101 out of 110 possible vs. 96 out of 100 possible, I STILL WIN!

Bob: All I know is on the paper I have the highest grade.

Dick: And on the test I have the least incorrect.

Bob: But I’m smarter than you cause I actually took 2 hours to listen to a speech and write an essay for the extra credit!

Dick: I was gone, I couldn't go to it... or write an essay on it.



::silence in the car for 5 minutes::

Bob: We both smoked the class, don’t you think this is stupid to argue about?

Dick: Yes, why’d you bring it up.

Bob: I didn’t, you did!

Dick: No, dude, we both know you did.

Bob: Whatever.

Yep, little too much school lately :-P


Kelsey Winther said...

ha, just come to grove and you won't have to worry about it. You'll never see an A again.

Anonymous said...

Derelicts don't get As :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha. You guys are hilarious. That was truly funny.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe my eyes. Chris just complimented you and actually said you were "hilarious" and "truly funny". Wow. :-P

'Twas a good post, but you guys (yes, all of you) need to work on your proofreading skills a tad bit... (It improves readability. :-D)

Jon said...

nice post l am a big fan.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that was funny. Good job guys.

Katie said...

I told you you guys just had to be yourselves to be funny! =)

Anonymous said...

Getting better, but still not as good as Funny Class Notes.

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