
Scientific words


The feeling you get when you have thrown a football with all your might and discover it is right on course to smack a new car square in the hood.


The feeling you get in a debate round when you just discovered you wasted 6 minutes on 2 out of the 10 points you had to cover in your speech.


The feeling you get when you just strapped into a 60 mph plus rollarcoaster and you see rusty bolts holding you into your seat.


The feeling you get right before you smash your thumb with a hammer.


The fear of the number 666.


The feeling you get when you realize you just had an entire conversation with someone, calling them by the wrong name the whole time.


The feeling you get when you realize you sent a very incriminating email and accidentally selected "reply all".


The feeling you get when you start on a long car ride with someone you haven't driven with before and you realize they have no idea how to drive.

gayus-travus phobia

The feeling you get when you realize you are sitting next to Travis and he likes to act gay.

flatt-caro phobia

The feeling you get when you have to make a sudden stop on the freeway because your exit is backed up and the semi behind you has no chance of stopping in time.


fear of nuclear explosions


The feeling you get when Hillary Clinton walks by you.


The feeling you get when you accidentally set the couch on fire.


The fear of getting owned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha they r funny!! i liked the fear of the number 666! :)

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