
Pinochle of blog success

In a recent comment, I was appalled to see that someone claimed we had not reached the penuckle of blog success. You see, if FCN reached the pinecal of blog success by the creation of RFCN in their post, than we definitely reached the peenicle by the creation of this little runoff wannabe bible site http://reallyfunnyclassnotes.blogpsot.com/ (that is not our site) . You see, RFCN was created to spite FCN and has been nothing but trouble and dissing for FCN; it's more the pinnacle of a thorn in your side. If anything, we just tried to reveal how easy their path to success was, and how Travis will never find love. The bible site, however, was actually created to steal some of our massive amounts of traffic. I can’t believe they would think our readers are dumb enough to mix up “spot” and psot”. One of the authors of FCN was dumb enough, but our readers are different; they have RFCN on their favorites menu.

You do have RFCN on your favorites menu don’t you? Or have you run into this site before?

Wait, maybe it’s a bad time to find out how much our readers hate us during our penical of success post. (Not that our readers don’t already tell us how much they hate our posts.)

Wait, maybe that's the pinnucle of blog success! When we have nothing but hate mail in our comments! People don't bother reaching into the sewers to pull a bum up and tell him he's a bum, they go for the successful, famous people. Just look at the magazines on the stands, nothing but popular people are talked about. We reached success through jealously! Although, I don't remember being in people magazine recently.

Well, that doesn't really explain Chris. But then again, nothing really explains Chris. His humor preferences are rather inconsistent.

Maybe that was the peinical of blog success? The day Chris said he liked one of our posts?

Chris doesn't like our posts anymore... forget that one...

Ok, maybe our success comes from the lack of encouragement in our comments. The people we are trying to have fun with and get to read our site, already do! They read it and feel no need to comment... they just laugh about the horrible comments 10 year olds are leaving on our site.

Do you think we are trying too hard to be successful?

Nah, admitting that wouldn't be any fun... we are RFCN after all.


Anonymous said...

Could I offer you some friendly advice?

Forget about FCN. Forget about Chris. Forget about the '10 year old' commenters. Forget about the whole hype/importance/success thing, and actually write some funny stuff. Because I know you can. Really. :-D Some of your previous stuff has been really funny. :-D

I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm just trying to be of help and use. Constructive criticism, they call it. :-D

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

That post had some humourous parts. At first I thought your misspelling of "Pinnacle" was a normal accidental misspelling, the kind you guys are prone to. But then I realized that was on purpose, and was actually rather funny. Your posts are getting better I must say.
On another note, I noticed you are now having to pre-aprove all comments. Does this mean I'm not allowed to tell you you aren't funny any more?

Anonymous said...

::ditto Chris::

I suppose I was a little too harsh in that comment... But still, a little criticism from a friend can be good for you (particularly if it was meant to help... which it was). :-D

All in all you guys are great, and really funny. (And it's my opinion that you surpass FCN) :-D

Michele said...

well I know RFCN is on my favorites menu.....

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