
How can I say this?

So, last night I was at an umpire meeting where I found out my boss took 5 dollars off every game I did, then added 30 minutes to my games and gave me the 5 dollars back. Not sure how that works? Neither am I... but later on in the night, he offered to give me a game tonight by myself. Translation? Double pay. He did mention he wanted to call one final person on his list to see if the guy could work with me. I glanced over at his sheet as he revealed to me who it was. "Some guy named Dave", he replied.

Let me introduce you to Dave. Dave was my former boss, and president of the little league where I work... that is until he had a minor case of road rage. By minor case of road rage, of course I mean he smashed someone's window in with a baseball bat. How fitting...

"Oh dave! He was... he was the guy who... he was the president of this league!"

How could I tell him? I guess I really couldn't. Of course my boss said, "Great! Then he knows all about baseball".

"More like baseball bats" I mumbled.

Fortunately for me, Dave couldn't make it.


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